How to apply for Life Insurance.
Buying life insurance can be frustrating and confusing. To ensure you are making the best decision, we at Lotus Insurance Quotes personalize the process by
1. Educating you
What is Life insurance?
What kinds of life insurance are available to you?
What are the top rated life insurance companies?
Who can have life insurance?
2.Seeing if you really need insurance
Why are you getting insurance?
Do you have insurable interest?
Do you already have insurance?
Do you need more insurance?
3.Policy Review
If you have something in place, do you know what it is, and do you fully understand it?
If you are not covered, what are you wanting coverage for?
Are you missing out on any Free insurance, Discounts, Cash Back, Riders, or Upgrades.
4.Prequalify/Talk with our Specialists
Prequalifying questions.
Talk to our specialists who design a plan based off your needs.
Our mission is to help you protect your spouse, children, grandchildren, or family from devastating financial losses that could result if something happened to you. We help you understand and find financial security through life insurance. A policy can help pay off debts, living expenses, and any medical or final expenses.
Why Life Insurance?
We never know what might happen next in life, because of this some of us want to prepare as best we can.

Is Life Insurance Necessary For Me?
This question is only answered by you. In the case of many ,coverage by a life insurance policy has helped their family. Depending on the circumstances an individual could have more than one reason to want legacy protection, or they could have no reason to want protection. Regardless of your situation we want to help educate you and assist if you choose to protect your family.
Pros and Cons of life insurance
The main advantage of having a life insurance policy is that if you die, your beneficiaries receive a payout that helps with financial burdens.The greatest disadvantage is that one has to pay monthly or annual premiums for this benefit. Still the pros of life insurance outweigh the cons in the long run.The safety net provided by the coverage will help during emotionally and financially draining circumstances during the loss of a loved one. Life insurance has given families one less thing to worry about.
Who Is Life Insurance For?
Life Insurance is an option available for those who might find value in it. It is not for a specific kind of person. There are many different reasons why an individual would consider purchasing an insurance policy. But In most cases people purchase a policy to leave complete or partial finical support for their loved ones when the bread winner dies.
At What Age Should I Purchase An Insurance Policy?
Is there a perfect time to purchase life insurance? No there is not. Everyone has a different journey and feels the need to purchase a policy in their perfect timing. Though there is no perfect timing, it would be ideal to purchase a policy now if your are considering it. The younger a person is the lower the premium; we all like to get a good deal. As a person ages so do  premiums increase on policies.Health decline as age increases is the main factor for the price hike.